Édition de livres
Enumeration of walks in multidimensional orthants and reflection groups, with Léa Gohier and Emmanuel Humbert (arXiv)
On the first hitting time of a high-dimensional orthant, with Emmanuel Humbert (arXiv)
Enumeration of weighted quadrant walks: criteria for algebraicity and D-finiteness, with Thomas Dreyfus and Andrew Elvey Price (arXiv)
On the limit law of the superdiffusive elephant random walk, with Hélène Guérin, Lucile Laulin and Thomas Simon (arXiv)
Invariant measure of gaps in degenerate competing three-particle systems, with Sandro Franceschi, Tomoyuki Ichiba and Ioannis Karatzas
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (to appear)
A fixed-point equation approach for the superdiffusive elephant random walk, with Hélène Guérin and Lucile Laulin (arXiv)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (to appear)
Elephant polynomials, with Hélène Guérin and Lucile Laulin (arXiv)
Aequationes mathematicae (to appear)
Logarithmic terms in discrete heat kernel expansions in the quadrant, with Andrew Elvey Price and Andreas Nessmann (arXiv)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D (to appear)
The stationary distribution of reflected Brownian motion in a wedge: differential properties, with Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Andrew Elvey Price, Sandro Franceschi and Charlotte Hardouin (arXiv)
Electronic Journal of Probability 30 (2025) article no. 1, 1–68
Differential transcendence of Bell numbers and relatives: a Galois theoretic approach, with Alin Bostan and Lucia Di Vizio (arXiv)
American Journal of Mathematics 146 (2024) 1577-1615
Lattice walks confined to an octant in dimension 3: (non-)rationality of the second critical exponent, with Luc Hillairet and Helen Jenne (arXiv)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D 11 (2024) 683–713
Random walks in the high-dimensional limit II:
the crinkled subordinator, with Zakhar Kabluchko and Oleksandr Marynych (arXiv)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
176 (2024) 104428
Reflected random walks and unstable Martin boundary, with Irina Ignatiouk-Robert and Irina Kurkova (arXiv)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 60 (2024) 549-587
Multivariate multiplicative functions of uniform random vectors in large integer domains, with Zakhar Kabluchko and Oleksandr Marynych (arXiv)
Results in Mathematics 78 (2023) Paper No. 201
Random walks with drift inside a pyramid: convergence rate for the survival probability, with Rodolphe Garbit (arXiv)
ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 20 (2023) 973-988
Persistence for a class of order-one autoregressive processes and Mallows-Riordan polynomials, with Gerold Alsmeyer, Alin Bostan and Thomas Simon (arXiv)
Advances in Applied Mathematics 150 (2023) 102555
Marches aléatoires dans un cône et fonctions discrètes harmoniques, with Pierre Tarrago (arXiv)
La Gazette de la Société Mathématique de France 175 (2023) 35-48
Harmonic functions for singular quadrant walks, with Viet Hung Hoang and Pierre Tarrago (arXiv)
Indagationes Mathematicae 34 (2023) 936-972 (Special issue in honour of J. W. Cohen)
Stationary Brownian motion in a 3/4-plane: reduction to a Riemann-Hilbert problem via Fourier transforms, with Guy Fayolle and Sandro Franceschi (arXiv)
Indagationes Mathematicae 34 (2023) 874-890 (Special issue in honour of J. W. Cohen)
On the stationary distribution of reflected Brownian motion in a non-convex wedge, with Guy Fayolle and Sandro Franceschi (arXiv)
Markov Processes and Related Fields 28 (2022) 737-772
Two accompanying
GeoGebra animations
A dual skew symmetry for transient reflected Brownian motion in an orthant, with Sandro Franceschi (arXiv)
Queueing Systems 102 (2022) 123-141 Special issue in honour of Masakiyo Miyazawa
The generating function of the survival probabilities in a cone is not rational, with Rodolphe Garbit (arXiv)
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 87B (2022) Special issue for the 9th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications
Asymptotics of arithmetic functions of GCD and LCM of random integers in hyperbolic regions, with Alexander Iksanov and Alexander Marynych (arXiv)
Results in Mathematics 77 (2022) Paper No. 165
Constructing discrete harmonic functions in wedges, with Viet Hung Hoang and Pierre Tarrago (arXiv)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375 (2022) 4741-4782
Martin boundary of random walks in convex cones, with Jetlir Duraj, Pierre Tarrago and Vitali Wachtel (arXiv)
Annales Henri Lebesgue 5 (2022) 559-609
Counting quadrant walks via Tutte's invariant method, with Olivier Bernardi and Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
Combinatorial Theory 1 (2021) Paper No. 3
The main accompanying Maple session is this one. It points to four other sessions, for the calculation of invariants, of decoupling functions, for proving that no such function exists, and solving the algebraic models.
Extended abstract in DMTCS Proceedings of
FPSAC 2016 (2016) 203-214 (arXiv)
Martin boundary of killed random walks on isoradial graphs, with Cédric Boutillier and an appendix by Alin Bostan (arXiv)
Potential Analysis 57 (2022) 201-226
Polyharmonic functions and random processes in cones, with François Chapon and Éric Fusy (arXiv)
Extended abstract in DMTCS Proceedings of AofA 2020 (2020) 1-19 no. 9
Plane bipolar orientations and quadrant walks, with Mireille Bousquet-Mélou and Éric Fusy (arXiv)
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 81 (2020) Article B81l
Boundary behavior of random walks in cones, with Pierre Tarrago (arXiv)
Markov Processes and Related Fields 26 (2020) 711-756
3D positive lattice walks and spherical triangles, with Beniamin Bogosel, Vincent Perrollaz and Amélie Trotignon (arXiv)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 172 (2020)
Integral expression for the stationary distribution of reflected Brownian motion in a wedge, with Sandro Franceschi (arXiv)
Bernoulli Journal 25 4B (2019) 3673-3713
Differential transcendence & algebraicity criteria for the series counting weighted quadrant walks, with Thomas Dreyfus (arXiv)
Publications Mathématiques de Besançon (2019) 41-80
On walks avoiding a quadrant, with Amélie Trotignon (arXiv)
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26 (2019) Paper 3.31 1-34
On the least common multiple of several random integers, with Alin Bostan and Alexander Marynych (arXiv)
Journal of Number Theory 204 (2019) 113-133
The Z-invariant Ising model via dimers, with Cédric Boutillier and Béatrice de Tilière (arXiv)
Probability Theory and Related Fields 174 (2019) 235-305
The extinction problem for a class of distylous plant populations, with Gerold Alsmeyer (arXiv)
Journal of Mathematical Biology 78 (2019) 1841-1874
Tutte's invariant approach for Brownian motion reflected in the quadrant, with Sandro Franceschi
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 21 (2017) 220-234
Extended abstract in DMTCS Proceedings of AofA 2016 (2016) 1-19 no. 9: Analytic approach for reflected Brownian motion in the quadrant, with Sandro Franceschi and Irina Kurkova (arXiv)
Weighted lattice walks and universality classes, with Julien Courtiel, Steve Melczer and Marni Mishna
( article)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 152 (2017) 255-302
The Z-invariant massive Laplacian on isoradial graphs, with Cédric Boutillier and Béatrice de Tilière ( article)
Inventiones mathematicae 208 (2017) 109-189
A human proof of Gessel's lattice path conjecture, with Alin Bostan and Irina Kurkova
( article)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017) 1365-1393
2022 Robbins Prize
t-Martin boundary of killed random walks in the quadrant, with Cédric Lecouvey
( article)
Séminaire de Probabilités XLVIII (2016) 305-323
On the exit time from a cone for random walks with drift, with Rodolphe Garbit ( article)
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 32 (2016) 511-532
New steps in walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Irina Kurkova
( article)
Annals of Combinatorics 19 (2015) 461-511
About a possible analytic approach for walks in the quarter plane with arbitrary big jumps, with Guy Fayolle ( article)
Comptes rendus Mathématique 353 (2015) 89-94
On the exit time from a cone for Brownian motion with drift, with Rodolphe Garbit ( article)
Electronic Journal of Probability 19 (2014) 1-27 no. 63
Random walks in the quarter plane, discrete harmonic functions and conformal mappings, with an appendix by Sandro Franceschi ( article)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 124 (2014) 3147-3178
Non-D-finite excursions in the quarter plane, with Alin Bostan and Bruno Salvy ( article)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 121 (2014) 45-63
Some aspects of fluctuations of random walks on R and applications to random walks on R+ with non-elastic reflection at 0, with Rim Essifi and Marc Peigné ( article)
ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 10 (2013) 591-607
Random walks reaching against all odds the other side of the quarter plane, with Johan van Leeuwaarden ( article)
Journal of Applied Probability 50 (2013) 85-102
Passage time of a random walk in the quarter plane for opinions in the voter model, with Irina Kurkova ( article)
Queueing Systems 74 (2013) 219-234
Extinction probabilities for a distylous plant population modeled by an inhomogeneous random walk on the positive quadrant, with Pauline Lafitte-Godillon and Viet Chi Tran ( article)
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (2013) 700-722
The compensation approach for walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Ivo Adan and Johan van Leeuwaarden ( article)
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 22 (2013) 161-183
On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Irina Kurkova ( article)
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 116 (2012) 69-114
Some exact asymptotics in the counting of walks in the quarter plane, with Guy Fayolle ( article)
DMTCS Proceedings of AofA 2012 (2012) 109-124
Counting walks in a quadrant: a unified approach via boundary value problems ( article)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
14 (2012) 749-777
Random walks in the quarter plane with zero drift: an explicit criterion for the finiteness of the associated group, with Guy Fayolle ( article)
Markov Processes and Related Fields 17 (2011) 619-636
- Random walks in Z_+^2 with non-zero drift absorbed at the axes, with Irina Kurkova ( article)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 139 (2011) 341-387
Green functions for killed random walks in the Weyl chamber of Sp(4) ( article)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré
47 (2011) 1001-1019
Explicit expression for the generating function counting Gessel's walks, with Irina Kurkova ( article)
Advances in Applied Mathematics 47 (2011) 414-433
Green functions and Martin compactification for killed random walks related to SU(3) ( article)
Electronic Communications in Probability 15 (2010) 176-190
On the holonomy or algebraicity of generating functions counting lattice walks in the quarter plane, with Guy Fayolle ( article)
Markov Processes and Related Fields 16 (2010) 485-496
Winter school in Hanoï
Representation theory and combinatorics tools in the study of some probabilistic models (2 to 4 December 2024)
Programme at the Isaac Newton Institute
Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion (1 July 2024 to 18 December 2024)
The programme will bring together researchers in probability, stochastic analysis, and related areas, as well as (through applications of anomalous diffusion) mathematical physicists, ecologists, and materials scientists, and (through sampling algorithms) researchers in computational statistics and machine learning. The programme is be built around thematically linked workshops, and will be supported by seminar series, problem sessions, engagement events, and a social programme.
Semestre thématique 2023 du Centre Henri Lebesgue : Probabilités
Vulgarisation scientifique
Thématiques de recherche
Random processes in cones
(Asymptotic and exact expressions for) Green functions, discrete harmonic functions, Martin boundary, exit time from cones, conditioned random walks in cones, combinatorics of walks, generating functions counting walks in cones
Dimer models in statistical mechanics
Stochastic models for population dynamics
Exposés et conférences
Recent research stays and conferences
- 25-29.06.18: Journées de Probabilités 2018, Tours
- 28.05.18-01.06.18: Algebra, Arithmetic and Combinatorics of Differential and Difference Equations, CIRM
- 13-19.05.18: Enumerative combinatorics, Oberwolfach
- 07-11.05.18: Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Bedlewo
- 04-05.12.17: Recursive(ly defined) Stochastic Processes, on the occasion of Gerold Alsmeyer's 60th birthday, Münster
- 06-08.11.17: Brownian motion in cones: algebraic and analytic approaches, Toulouse
- 26-29.09.17: Modern perspectives of branching in probability, Münster
- 17-22.09.17: Lattice walks at the Interface of Algebra, Analysis and Combinatorics, Banff
- 23.05.17: Journée en hommage à Jacques Neveu, Institut Henri Poincaré
- 14-16.12.16: Conférence Tours à grands pas
- 12-14.09.16: 77th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Strobl, Austria
•Talk #1: Random walks in cones: exponential growth
•Talk #2: Random walks in cones: critical exponents
•Talk #3: Discrete harmonic functions and random walks
- 11-29.07.16: Recherche en binôme au CIRM, avec Alin Bostan
- 20-24.06.16: Conférence finale de MADACA ( Télécharger le poster)
- 06-10.06.16: SMF 2016, Tours
Recent talks in seminars
- 06.18: Séminaire de probabilités et statistiques, Nancy
- 03.18: Séminaire de Mathématiques appliquées, Nantes
- 02.18: Séminaire de probabilités, Institut Fourier, Grenoble
- 01.18: Séminaire de probabilités, ENS Lyon
- 12.17: Journée Math-STIC sur les marches aléatoires, Paris 13
- 12.17: Séminaire MODAL'X, Paris Nanterre
- 09.17: Séminaire de probabilités et statistique, Université de Lille
- 06.17: Séminaire Calcul stochastique, Université de Strasbourg
- 09.16: Séminaire Philippe Flajolet, IHP
- 09.16: Séminaire de Combinatoire du LIX, Polytechnique
- 05.16: Séminaire de Probabilités, Université de Versailles
- 04.16: Mathematisches Kolloquium, Wien Universität
- 01.16: PIMS Colloquium, Simon Fraser University
Ivo Adan,
Gerold Alsmeyer,
Olivier Bernardi,
Beniamin Bogosel,
Alin Bostan,
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou,
Cédric Boutillier,
François Chapon,
Julien Courtiel,
Béatrice de Tilière,
Lucia Di Vizio,
Thomas Dreyfus,
Jetlir Duraj,
Andrew Elvey Price,
Rim Essifi,
Guy Fayolle,
Sandro Franceschi,
Éric Fusy,
Rodolphe Garbit,
Hélène Guérin,
Charlotte Hardouin,
Luc Hillairet,
Viet Hung Hoang,
Irina Ignatiouk-Robert,
Alexander Iksanov,
Helen Jenne,
Zakhar Kabluchko,
Irina Kurkova,
Pauline Lafitte-Godillon,
Lucile Laulin,
Cédric Lecouvey,
Johan van Leeuwaarden,
Alexander Marynych,
Steve Melczer,
Marni Mishna,
Andreas Nessmann,
Marc Peigné,
Vincent Perrollaz,
Bruno Salvy,
Thomas Simon,
Pierre Tarrago,
Viet Chi Tran,
Amélie Trotignon,
Vitali Wachtel
MADACA (09/2014-12/2016)
Jérémie Guilhot nous avons été responsables du projet région d'initiative académique intitulé
MADACA, sur le thème
Marches Aléatoires et processus de Dunkl: Approches Combinatoires et Algébriques.
Not recent research stays and conferences
- 27-29.05.15: Workshop on restricted lattice walks, RISC, Linz
- 16.03.15-15.05.15: Universität Münster
- 20-24.04.15: Workshop Approximation and Combinatorics, CIRM
- 16-19.02.15: Conference Functional equations and special functions, Grenoble
- 15-18.07.14: Workshop on Persistence probabilities and related fields, Darmstadt
- 02-08.03.14: Workshop Enumerative Combinatorics, Oberwolfach
- 26-28.02.14: Workshop PARTE: Probability and Representation Theory, Edinburgh
- 04-09.11.13: Conference Lévy Processes and Autosimilarity, Hammamet
München University
Journées MAS 2012
( Slides)
Münster University
Journées de Probabilités 2012
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
ALEA 2012
Workshop Scaling limits of random walks in the quarter plane at Eurandom
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux 2012
Young Workshop in Arithmetics and Combinatorics in Madrid
ALEA 2011
Workshop Analysis in the Quarter Plane
Universität Jena
Universität Graz
Universität Bielefeld
Not recent talks in seminars
- 11.15: Combinatorial Potlatch 2015, University of British Columbia
- 10.15: UBC Probability Seminar
- 07.15: Groupe de Travail Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, LaBRI
- 06.15: Journée Combinatoire et Probabilités, Université Paris 13
- 05.15: Oberseminar Stochastics, Universität Bonn
- 05.15: Probability seminar, Universität Münster
- 04.15: Probability seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- 05.14: Mini-cours "Processus aléatoires dans des cônes", Groupe de Travail PEIPS
( Notes de cours)
- 05.14: Séminaire Aléa du CMAP
- 05.14: Séminaire de combinatoire du LIX
- 04.14: Séminaire de probabilités, Institut Fourier
- 03.14: Séminaire tournant de théorie des nombres, Institut Camille Jordan et Institut Fourier
- 12.13: Séminaire Combinatoire et Théorie des Nombres, Institut Camille Jordan
- 09.13: Séminaire de théorie ergodique de l'Université de Rennes
- 05.13: Séminaire de Probabilités de l'Université de Toulouse
Séminaire de Mathématiques Pures de l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand
Séminaire de Probabilités de l'École Normale Supérieure
Séminaire de Probabilités de l'Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Séminaire de Probabilités et Théorie Ergodique de l'Université de Tours
Workshop Proba-EDP de l'Université de Tours
November 11:
Seminar algorithms of
INRIA Rocquencourt
Marches dans un quart de plan: quelques avancées récentes
October 11:
Ergodic theory seminar of
Rennes 1 University
Fonctions de Green de marches aléatoires tuées dans le quart de plan
April 11:
Probability seminar of
ENS Lyon
Compter des chemins confinés dans un quadrant
Upcoming agenda
- 15.12.14-19.12.14: Workshop HAPI 2014 (Harmonic Analysis, Probability theory and their Interactions), Hammamet
Copyright © Université d'Angers - Kilian Raschel
(Last update: August, 2023)